Finding Irish Origins

Finding your Irish Ancestors in New York City, Joseph Buggy.  Baltimore MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2014.  166 pages. Soft cover, $20.00.  This is a comprehensive source guide to finding the place of origin of Irish ancestors who came to and settled in New York City.  Buggy was born in Ireland.  He is a professional genealogist.

Two unique features make this book an essential reference work–
1.  A list of every Catholic parish in each of the 5 boroughs that make up the city.
2.  Cemeteries–Catholic, non-Catholic, and public throughout the city.

With a full bibliography of resources on the Irish, I recommend that you add this book to your Autumn and Winter reading list.  More than 25% of the total population of New York City were, and still are, Irish.  If you have New York City ancestors, there is a high probability that one or more will be Irish.  Break your losing streak!

Your favorite New York genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS  I missed my annual research trip to New York this past Spring.  I have a ton of work to do there next season.  Remember, I am one of the few genealogists who still does field research for clients.



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